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Kettlefields Primary School

Aspire Believe Achieve

Severe Weather

In the event of heavy snow or severe weather it may be necessary to close the school.


Where possible we will contact parents via email through Schoolcomms, so please ensure that your email address is up to date.

It is possible that staff will be unable to get into school to answer the phone.  If this is the case then the radio and the internet will be your best sources of information.

Our website – will have information on the front page scrolling bar if the school is affected.

The Cambridgeshire County Council Website will also be able to offer up to date information:

Cambridgeshire County Council

Local radio stations will be informed by 8.00 a.m:

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and Heart

Please only call the school if you do not have access to radio or Internet and do not phone the school before 8.00 a.m.   Also pupils may need to return home earlier than normal if the school has to close early in the interests of pupil safety.  It would be helpful if parents could ensure that their children know what they may have to do in such a situation, or if it is likely that parents may be delayed in traffic due to weather conditions.

We shall endeavour to open throughout.  This being so, please ensure your child is dressed suitably to cope with the weather conditions.  It is advisable that all children bring a change of footwear.  Being outside in the snow, either walking to school or at playtimes will mean wet shoes so wellingtons may be preferable.   Children will need indoor shoes that are not their PE shoes.  If the temperature is extremely low or heavy snow falling then naturally an indoor play will be called for.  At all other times playtimes will continue as usual so children will need to wrap up warmly.
