Drop off time
The school gates open from 8.35am and children may enter the school building from this time. Pupils need to be in the classroom at 8.45am when the register closes. Any pupil arriving at the school gate after 8.45am will need to enter the school through the main reception entrance, and a parent must sign them in.
We do ask parents to play there part in easing congestion too. We strongly encourage local families and children to walk or cycle to and from school. Please do not park on the zigzag lines, and keep the school entrance clear in order to keep our young people safe. We encourage parents to drop off their child and swiftly move on, in order to free up the parking space for others.
Monday – Thursday pick up time
3.30pm for all classes
Friday pick up time
2.15pm for all classes
32.5 hours per week
Our Celebration Assembly is at 1.45pm on most Fridays and parents are invited to join us in the school hall.
PE kits to be worn to school on PE days.
Children in Early Years and KS1 receive fresh fruit or vegetable snacks mid-morning. Children in KS2 may bring a fruit or vegetable snack from home as a snack. Sweets are not allowed in school under any circumstances.
A late mark 'L' (late but attending) will be recorded against any pupil arriving in school after school doors close at 8.45am. If your child arrives in school after 9am then the register will show them as a 'U' (unauthorised absence) even though they are in school. All children arriving from 8.45am through the school entrance must be signed in by their parent/carer. Late marks are monitored weekly and children who have more than 3 late sign-ins per half term will be sent a letter from the Attendance Officer. If these lates continue, contact with the parent will be made requesting a meeting with the Headteacher, and if, after that meeting, your child is still receiving late marks, the school will contact the Education Welfare Officer for advice.
Unless a letter authorising a child to walk home has been signed by a parent of a Year 5 or Year 6 pupil, ALL pupils have to collected at the end of the day by a parent or an authorised person. Children are seen out of class at the end of the school day by the class teacher and should not be waiting outside of the classroom for their parent. If at school drop-off, you know that somebody other than a parent or authorised person will be collecting your child, please inform us who will be collecting that day. If your child is collected regularly by a relative or another parent, please send an email or letter in to the school office informing us of who is authorised to collect each child, and we will keep that information on their pupil file.
Please understand, we will NOT allow a child to go with anybody we have not had authorisation for - this is for obvious safeguarding reasons. If we hold your child until we can contact you in this event please understand that we are trying to keep your child safe.