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Kettlefields Primary School

Aspire Believe Achieve


Thank you to all parents who make sure their children are in the proper school uniform. We are really proud of the school uniform and expect all children to wear it.


It’s important for all children to wear practical, sensible and safe clothing. We expect all children to wear school uniform as follows:



Sweatshirts/Jumpers/Cardigans in Maroon. Kettlefields versions are available via our website although unbranded versions are acceptable.

Collared shirts or polo shirts in white

Skirts/Pinafore/Trousers/Shorts in Charcoal Grey/Black

Plain Tights in Grey/Black

Plain Socks in Grey/Black

Children may also wear red and white check summer dresses.



All children should wear black, practical school shoes.

Trainers are not suitable for school wear and must not be worn during the day at school.

If children come to school in boots, wellies or trainers, they should bring their school shoes to change into.


Items which aren’t allowed:

Here’s a list of some of the items which aren’t allowed. if you are in any doubt, please ask.



Long patterned socks

Brightly coloured or patterned tights




Ugg boots or similar

Knee high boots


Please note: only flat heeled shoes are allowed


Children may bring a pair of trainers into school to change into for break and lunchtime, if they expect to play ball games. They must change back into their school shoes once the break-time is over.


Make up and jewellery:

No make-up is allowed

No Fake tattoos

No Nail varnish


If ears are pierced, only one pair of studs may be worn for safety reasons. These should not be worn on PE days, but if they cannot be removed, they must be covered up with tape which each child should keep in their PE bag.


A wrist watch is allowed. However, smart watches with access to the internet, the ability to take photos or make calls are not appropriate for the primary classroom.


Thank you for your support


We have a selection of second hand uniform available in our reception area in return for a donation the the PTFA. 


In order to participate in PE lessons, the children need to wear a white t-shirt and maroon shorts, and plimsolls. Suitable trainers may be worn for outdoor games activities or lunchtime play; black jogging bottoms or black leggings and a maroon sweatshirt should be worn in the winter months for outdoor PE. Football boots are usually only brought into school for Football Club and specific events.

All items of school uniform should be clearly named.

Please click the following link if you wish to browse, or purchase, any of our school uniform range.

Uniform Labels

Our PTFA have partnered with Stitkins who provide multipurpose name labels for clothing, shoes, lunch boxes etc.  They are extremely durable and simply stick on, so no sewing or ironing is required.  To order please visit the website below quoting our school fundraising number: 10913 and our school will received 30% commission.
