Bike Ability
Children in years 3 /4 and 5 /6 get the opportunity to take part in Bike Ability. This helps to teach children how to ride their bikes safely on the roads.
Sports Events
We are members of the Suffolk Schools Sports Partnership and have held the Gold Sports Mark for the last 3 years. We love our pupils to be able to get involved in competitive sports. We try to take part in as many competitions as possible. We have been involved in swimming galas, cross country running, netball, athletics, basketball, football, rugby, hockey, tennis, table tennis, rounders and golf competitions. Even through the Corona virus pandemic we have been able to compete in cross country running and a sports hall athletics competition! All children at Kettlefields will have the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.
In the summer term, we hold our own sports day event. Parents are welcome to join us on sports day, this is wonderful celebration of our children's talents and great fun.
Plays / Drama / School Productions
We feel that drama is an important way to build children's speaking and listening skills and it helps to increase their confidence. Children will take part in drama activities in class as part of their normal lessons however we also give all children the opportunity to perform on the stage in front of an audience. In EYFS and KS1, this is usually through taking part in an annual Nativity play. In key stage 2, the children perform plays related to the topics they are learning about.
Visitors/ Specialists
We love to invite visitors into school that can engage our pupils in hands on learning. Living close to Cambridge we have developed links with Cambridge University and have been fortunate to have lots of visiting scientists!
Some of the visits we have had include: