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Kettlefields Primary School

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Sports Legacy

There are requirements for schools to report on swimming levels at the end of KS2.


National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:

  • Swim confidently, competently and proficiently over a distance of 25m.
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe self -rescue in different water-based situations.


In 2018/19 we can report that 73% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.

In 2019/20 we can report that 71% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.

In 2020/21 we can report that 83% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.

In 2021/22 we can report that 88% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.

In 2022/23 we can report that 81% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.

In 2023/24 we can report that 87% of our current year 6 children met all 3 of the above criteria.
