Home Page

Kettlefields Primary School

Aspire Believe Achieve


Welcome to Woodpeckers Class!

We're 'tapping' into our learning! 




We are a mix of Year 3 and Year 4 children.
Our Class Teacher is
Mrs Palmer
Our Teaching Assistant is:
Mrs Troop
Our Student Teacher is:
Mr. Kettle
We also have a specialist language teacher who teaches ths children French every week.
Mr. Kettle also teaches the children PE each Wednesday afternoon.


Through our exciting and stimulating topics, we will ensure the children are exposed to a rich, broad based curriculum. We often link themes across the curriculum to ensure cohesion and context based learning. These concepts are also continued and further explored in our English work which enables the childrent to become fully immersed in their learning.


Our History and Geography topics are:



Autumn Term: Ancient Egypt and Cradles of Civilisation

Spring Term: The Indus Valley & Persia and Greece

Summer Term: Ancient Greece and Alexander the Great


Autumn Term: Rivers and Mountains

Spring Term: Settlements and Agriculture 

Summer Term: Volcanoes & Climate and Biomes



Autumn Term: Rama and Sita and other Hindu Stories

Spring Term: Hindu Traditions & The Hebrew Bible

Summer Term: Moses and The Exodus & Living as a Jew



Each term we produce a Curriculum Map that details what the children will learn. 
The Curriculum Maps are designed to give as much information as possible

to inform parents about what the children will be learning at school each 

term so that they can be supported at home.
       These documents can be found on the Woodpeckers' Google Classroom.





Further details regarding our learning can be found on our termly topic web, as well as our class newsletter which will be uploaded to Google Classroom at the start of each new term. This ensures parents are fully imformed about what the children are learning and details of educational visits, assemblies and key dates. 


Google Classroom is an excellent way to keep in touch, and is the main way of communicating and sharing our learning with parents at home so please ensure that you accept your invitation to join our class. Regular updates are posted to allow us to share and celebrate the children's successes. It is also where the children can access their home learning and infomation for parents to enable them to support their children at home. 

Things to remember:

                                  Our P.E. days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

The children should come to school in their PE kits on those days. 




Our School Council Representatives are:







Currently the children are set an English and a maths task each week which is designed to consolidate the children's learning  in class. They also receive weekly spellings which they should practise at home. In addition to this, it expected that the children read daily and practise their times tables. All homework is set on a Monday for return the following Monday.
All home learning can be accessed via the Google Classroom and is submitted there too. More information about homework can be found in the Google Classroom via the Parent Correspondence tab.
Don't forget you can also access and practise your maths skills on Doodle maths and you could also do some research in preparation for a class talk.




Useful websites to support your child's learning
