Computing replaced ICT in the new 2014 curriculum. At Kettlefields Computing is taught as a subject in its own right and as a means to access and enhance other areas of the curriculum. All classrooms have an interactive whiteboard to enhance teaching and learning. The School uses IPADs, chrome books, laptops, floor robots, digital cameras and video cameras to aid the children’s learning. We are connected by broadband to the internet through the county system which has a high level of security to enable children to develop their skills within a safe online environment.
From September 2023 children will follow the Teach Computing scheme of work which covers a broad range of topics. Children enhance their skills in digital literacy, programming, understanding technology and E-safety.
In March 2020, we started using Google Classroom. This has been a great tool to aid the children with remote learning but also to teach computer literacy. Children have learnt how to keep safe online with the 4 Cs: Content, Contact, commerce and Conduct. Children have been able to use word processing applications, make presentations, display their work, save and improve work using the Google Classroom. It has kept our school community together when we needed to be apart. Children and families now use the Google classroom to access home learning and to share work, experiences and ideas: a bit like a virtual 'show and tell'.