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Kettlefields Primary School

Aspire Believe Achieve

Visions and Values

Kettlefields Vision Statement

At Kettlefields all children should achieve their potential regardless of background or special educational needs. We take a holistic approach to the children in our care; emotional well-being and mental health are paramount. Children should be given a wide variety of experiences and opportunities during their time at Kettlefields. They should be able to explore the arts and STEM subjects through hands on experiences. Kettlefields should be a beacon of excellence to those around us. We will forge close relationships with other schools to share best practice and with companies and organisations in our local community to enrich our children’s education. We aim to engage and excite our children in learning giving them the tools to be life-long creative, innovative learners. 


Curriculum Intent

At Kettlefields our ambitious broad and balanced curriculum is creative and challenging. It offers all of our children the chance to shine. We provide our children with the skills and knowledge they need to follow their dreams. Through a wide variety of external partnerships we enrich our children’s education. We want to create good citizens fostering a community ethos within our school. Our curriculum is inclusive and teaches children to be tolerant. We want our children to understand their own and others emotional well-being in order to create resilient young people who are prepared for the challenges that lay ahead of them.


Our Missions is to;

  • Put our school at the heart of the community, working in close partnership with parents.
  • Deliver high quality teaching and create a climate of life-long learning
  • Provide a broad-based education to enable all children to discover their strengths and to make the most of their talents within the school and beyond
  • Build a centre of excellence in Early Years that is a bedrock for further growth throughout the school
  • Ensure that all staff have high expectations for all our children.
  • Provide a safe environment where our children are encouraged and supported so that they develop into confident, motivated, enthusiastic self-assured individuals who are willing to take risks

We will achieve this by;

  • The recruitment and retention of high calibre staff at all levels
  • Ensuring teaching is focused and is of the highest quality
  • Offering continuous professional development for all
  • Actively encouraged parents and the wider community to engage with and participate in the development of the school
  • Observing our golden rules, written by the children.
  • Through the use of Kettlefields Learning Toolkit. 


Our Values

  • We value children as individuals, recognising their strengths and building their resilience.
  • We instil respect for other people, cultures and beliefs, whilst understanding and teaching the core British Values of; Democracy, Respect and Tolerance.
  • We are proud of our community of learning where all children enjoy a rich and diverse curriculum with plenty of opportunities for creativity, enrichment and outdoor learning.




Aspire Believe Achieve

 Aspire to be the best we can be, Believe in ourselves, and Achieve our goals.


Kettlefields Learning Toolkit

As a school we have identified nine behaviours that we believe make a good learner. These are based around the Characteristics of Effective Learning used in Early Years. Each month we focus on one learning behaviour from the Kettlefields Learning Toolkit and children are awarded Powerful Learner Certificates for displaying good learning behaviours. The behaviours in our Learning Toolkit underpin our vision statement and are the values around which our school is based.




Our Golden Rules
